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About Us

Calling All Independent Dentists - We Need You!

Join the organization that has your back!

The Alliance of Independent Dentists is a nationwide group of volunteer dentists committed to educating dentists and the public about the benefits of Independent Dentistry. None of our board members are paid by the AID, ensuring that all dues and donations serve our community directly.

Originally founded in 2017 as the Massachusetts Dentists Alliance for Quality Care, we have stood up for our profession against insurance companies and harmful policies in our state. We were the first group to endorse Question 2 (the first dental loss ratio in our nation) and many of us volunteered our time and finances.

We believe it is essential to consider the bigger picture when it comes to the future of dentistry. While financial considerations understandably play a role in business decisions, there are larger implications to consider beyond immediate gains. By maintaining independence, we have the opportunity to prioritize not just financial interests but also the long-term sustainability of our profession, the quality of patient care, and the integrity of our practice. It is about ensuring that dentistry remains rooted in our commitment to patients and communities, rather than solely driven by financial motives.

Board Members

Jill Tanzi

Kristine Grazioso

Arnie Weiss

Barbara Preussner

Van Orenstein

Charlie Badaoui

Maria Vasilakis

*all board members are unpaid volunteers

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Alliance of Independent Dentists © 2025

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